
Somatic Photohraphy

Welcome to Somatic Photography, where I capture the essence of who you really are. This unique approach allows you to express your multifaceted self through various roles and energies. This experience is what you make it, the idea is to choose outfits, accessories and any necessary item with the right settings that resonates with your inner archetypes—be it a warrior, healer, chef, martial artist, mother, nature lover or artist. Imagine meditating by sacred waters, dancing to your favorite tunes, whipping up your favorite dish, hiking a mountain or simply doing what you love most. We'll enhance each moment with music, embodiment exercises, heart activation queues and a very somatically sacred supportive atmosphere.

Somatic Photography blends spirituality with science, using the power of a safe space and music to unlock deeper parts of yourself. Whether you envision a single location or multiple, we'll collaborate to create a meaningful experience that celebrates your true essence. You can also opt for a traditional photoshoot with your own vision. Sessions are flexible, lasting as long as needed, and designed to leave you with cherished memories.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery, where we capture the magic of your soul.

Neuroscience reveals that music is a "whole brain experience," activating all regions of our brains and connecting to our identities and emotions. Certain songs can even rewire brain regions, forming new neural pathways. So we’ll make sure to have the best tunes paired with the all the diverse energies!

The goal is to dance, play, and find a piece of peace in simply being you, while I capture the magic of the moment. We'll meet at a location of your choice within a reasonable distance from Vacaville or San Diego. If your vision involves multiple locations, that’s perfectly fine—this is a collaborative creation where our combined visions bring the experience to life.


Somatic Breathwork 

Welcome to Solmatic, my brand name for my breathwork and photography offerings! Solmatic is my service where each breath is tied to my soul. I am certified in Somatic Breathwork, a powerful practice developed by Stephen Jaggers designed to release stress, trauma, depression and pain while fostering calmness, clarity, and deep grounding. As one client put it, “I love how quiet my brain is after.”

Somatic Breathwork connects you with your body and nervous system in profound ways, allowing negative energies and emotions to be expressed and released. It helps access and release deep-seated traumas, leading to cellular upgrades, relaxation, and deeper self-understanding. Each session involves lying down somewhere comfortable with a blanket, a pair of headphones and a no distraction safe zone. Through guided breathing, music, and my cues, you'll experience remarkable transformations, guaranteed.

Breathwork enhances emotional resilience, helps the body choose regulation over habitual reaction, and promotes a deeper connection with oneself. It’s a courageous journey into self-awareness, where facing our inner truths leads to growth. Somatic Breathwork unlocks sensations and cellular memories that may have been suppressed for years, activating our sympathetic state for healing.

Unlike conventional talk therapy, which focuses on cognitive understanding, Somatic Breathwork dives into feeling sensations and emotions to uncover underlying stories. This method guides you to feel safe in your body, promoting expression over suppression. Healing trauma involves building resilience, navigating an unsafe world, and cultivating strength to change systems that perpetuate trauma.

The practice also involves stretching the diaphragm and intercostals, massaging internal organs, and training the body to hold more air. Breath holds during sessions strategically reset the body and mind, producing nitric oxide, which enhances brain function, cardiac health, exercise performance, and healing processes. Which is not only very good emotionally, but great for athletes and overall good breathing habit health!

Expect 90 minutes of undistracted breathing, either via Zoom or in person near Vacaville/San Diego (depending on my location at the time). The session balances deep inhales, breath holds, and slow, soothing breaths, scaling up and calming the nervous system in order to access deeper emotions and stories, in order to reset and refocus, to peace and power. True freedom lies within expressing the fullest spectrum of human emotions, primal to us all.

When we are willing to face the storm, we are granted our colorful, blossoming garden. -me lol!

Client testimonials highlight the profound impact of Somatic Breathwork:

- Mariah Kidd: “I felt deeply heard and appreciated the open, unrestricted space for expression.”

- Destiny Breukers “ I found comfort and safety in the affirmations and gentle guidance, bridging a gap between physical and mental consciousness.”

- Luke Muhlbach “ I experienced deep relaxation and understood the importance of breathwork, describing the experience as being held gently yet firmly.”

Join me in this transformative journey through Somatic Breathwork, where each breath takes you closer to yourself!

Reach out to inquire about my services